Monday, August 25, 2008

An Official Welcome

Hello Class! Welcome to Comm 105 officially. For the first week, here is what is on the agenda:

*Review the "Getting Started" page on Blackboard if you haven't already.

*Read the following pages, as noted on the "Participation" page:

*The Participation for this week is optional, however, if you choose to participate please introduce yourself to the class and answer the following questions:

"For Week 1's discussion introduce yourself, providing a brief biography, and welcome others. Also tell us your “communication” story. What experiences in communication studies have you had? What are your goals for the class? What do you hope to get out of the class?"

*The only assignments due this week is as follows:
***Set up a blogspot webpage (see "Schedule" and "Getting Started"
for further instructions).
***Email me at: with your blog alias (including a link to your blog) AND your name
(Be sure to email from an address you check NUMEROUS times a week)
***Both assignments are due by Friday, August 29th at 10am at the latest!
***Introduce yourself on your blog, AND comment on others blogs to welcome them.
***Download Yahoo Messenger and add me as a friend: carolperezcommclass
(I will be holding virtual office hours as of tomorrow from 10:30am to 11:30am)

I am really excited about the content of this class, and of course, getting to know all of you a bit better. Please feel free to email me at anytime if you have any questions. I am available pretty regularly through email. I am also available through Yahoo Messenger on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 10:30am to 11:30am every week.

Have a fabulous night!!!


me010400 said...

this blog is going to take some getting used to!!

Cherry said...

THis blog is also going to take some getting used to for me!

me010400 said...

Still trying to get familiar with this.

Rina Sutaria said...

I love the idea of a blog..I guess I'm a nerd and always online anyways hehe:)

Rina Sutaria said...
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Rina Sutaria said...

I have a question. When I go to Professor Perez's main page on her blog, on the left hand side are the list of all of us in the class. Some people have the orange and white blogger symbol next to their names whereas others have a dot next to their names. What's the difference? On some pages my alias shows up with the blogger symbol next to it and on some pages it shows up with the dot thing. Just wondering if that means anything. Thanks.

TheBloggingProf said...

Molly McMuffin - the only think I can see a difference when added the students to my blog list is that the ones with a "B" symbol or 'blogger' symbol next to their name was a blog that they had posted. If the student hadn't posted a blog yet, there was no "B" next to their name. Other than that, I have no idea what the different would be.

Cherry said...

Happy Thursday:)

me010400 said...

Im still trying to figure out how to do a blog, I have no idea what I am doing. This is all so very confusing!!!!!

me010400 said...

can someone please tell me how we know what our blog account is> Im soooo confused!!!!!

Rina Sutaria said...

thebloggingprof - that makes sense but I have made a blog (my first post) and there is no B or blogging symbol next to my name. Uh oh, I hope you can view my blog.

Kari said...

Hopefully my name is correct.. I've never used this thing before and probably wouldn't know how confused I really was.

chocoyuko said...

test message

Cherry said...

In Chapter 1, I have a question. Who are the Sophists' modern counterparts? Does modern men today? or Modern Period described in our text?