Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blogging this week

I was excited about the posts this week, and really enjoyed reading what you all have wrote so far. The question of cyberspace friendships was particularly interesting to me. I found it quite fascinating that the majority of the class has no 'cyberspace only' friendships and few desire to create or maintain them.

I personally have a number of cyberspace only friendships that I keep up with on a normal basis. I do this through keeping a personal blog, commenting on blogs of people that I have met online, and of course conversing through email with people I have no met in person. These relationships serve a specific purpose, one that can be quite different than a f2f friendship. Of course these relationships carry a set of rules all unto themselves, some of which carry over to f2f relationships, but some quite different.

Like most of the class, I was leery at first develop and keep these friendships going. But overtime I have found that they are quite useful. In what ways do you think these friendships could be useful to you or to others?

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