Friday, December 19, 2008

Final Post

All assignments have been returned, all exams are finished, and now comes the time for calculating final grades in the course. As I mentioned yesterday, to calculate your grade, add up all of the points you have accumulated throughout the semester and divide that number by 1,050. Check the grade scale to see where you grade falls. Before you do that, keep reading.

Here's the part you are going to care about.........

For those of you that noticed the syllabus change from the beginning of the semester to the end, you probably observed that the point scale changed. At the start of the semester I calculated all assignments, discussion weeks, quizzes and tests and figured out that the class was out of 1,000 points total. My plan was, when I was writing assignments, discussion questions and quizzes, that the class would be out of 1,000 points, a nice round number. Well, as the semester drew to a close, I added up all of those lovely assignments and tests again and discovered that I made a mistake in calculations (I never claimed to be good at math, ahem, or simple math for that matter). The class is ACTUALLY OUT OF 1,050 points. I promptly corrected these changes (and let's be honest here, it was only after one of you colleagues pointed out the mistake to me that I noticed my blunder) upon realizing the HUGE mistake I had made.

So, to split the difference with the class, go ahead and add 25 points to your grade!!!

I have already calculated grades, and it looks like for most, your grade will be raised to either the next letter grade up, or the next partial grade. This means that for those that earned a C+, your grade will now be a B-. If it was previously a B+, you will now have an A- and so on. So go ahead and recalculate your grade to find your new grade.

I have had a great time with all of you this semester and I am sad the class is over already, but I am excited about a break as I am sure you are. If you would like to keep in contact with me, please use the following email address:

I will be deleting my blog and email address in a few weeks. If possible, please wait a couple of weeks at least before you delete your blog. I will be evaluating the course and making changes for next semester. Part of this evaluation will be based on the discussion questions and the answers to those questions.

If you would be so kind, drop me a note (when you get a chance of course) and let me know what you liked about the course and what you would like to see changed or tweaked a bit. This of course will not help you any as the class is now over, but it will certainly help your colleagues next semester and for as long as this class is offered online. Pay it forward! Go ahead and post a message to this blog, but if you are not comfortable with that, shoot me an email. (Course evaluations will not be returned to me, as always, until next semester is in full swing so I will be unable to use those to revise this course for next semester.)

Again, I have had a great time with you all this semester and wish you well in your future endeavors at SJSU and beyond!!! :)


emadden said...

Thank you very much... Have a wonderful break!

Stephany said...

Hello Carol,

Thank you for a great semester. I do have one question, as I am quite inept with the computer. Would you tell me how one deletes their blog page? Thank you once again for everyting and have a beautiful Christmas.

-Stephany Aguilar

TheBloggingProf said...

To delete your blog, follow these steps:

1). Log into your blog
2). Go to settings
3). Click the "Basics" tab on the left
4). At the top there should be a tab that says "delete blog"