Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Assignment #1 Speech Critique

I am happy to say that you will be receiving your papers back with a grade within the next few days. I will have them completed by Thursday at the latest, hopefully sooner, though some of you will start receiving them tonight through email. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your analysis of the videos, and can't wait to see what y'all do for the coming assignment. In case you did not read the bottom of the last blog, the next assignment is due on October 31st, which happens to be Halloween. So, if you have big Halloween plans, please make sure to get your papers in early. Some class participants really cut it close by emailing me their Speech Critique a minute or two before it was due.

In case you have not, please email me your cultural event. I have been keeping a list, but it seems like a number of people live out of the area, so those events would not be relevant to most in the class.

One thing about format for the papers, please read EVERYTHING I have listed on the assignment sheet. Quite a few people forgot to bold the course concepts in their first assignment. In short, please read the directions carefully and follow them for your coming assignment. :)

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