Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week of September 28th - October 4th

Here is what's on the Schedule and Participation Pages for this week:

***Review the Cultural Event Paper (read it over and find a Cultural Event - email me your Cultural Event for approval)

***Read Chapter 3 & 4

***Participate in this weeks discussion!

Answer 1 in each of your 3 posts at least 24 hours apart:

Is it possible to perceive others without in some way judging or categorizing them? If so, how? If not, how can we make the judgments we do make more fair?

Do you agree that men and women use language differently? In what areas?

Pick one concept from the assigned readings that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Remember to post 2 responses to your colleagues blogs at least 24 hours apart.

I did receive your papers, all of which were on time. Good Job!!! A few pushed it to the bitter end, but all were within the time limit. It will take me a week or so to get those back to you, so expect an email with your attached paper containing notes. Once I send those out, which will all be at the same time, I will post a blog confirming that I sent out the papers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Saving in .rtf format

Since I have gotten a few emails about this, I decided to post this.

To save in .rtf format, go to "Save As" as you normally would. A box pops up, and down at the very bottom there is a menu called, "Save As Type". Scroll down to .rtf format and name your document as the Speech Critique Assignment calls for. Save it to your computer and then attach it to an email and send it off to me.

I hope this helps!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week of Septmber 21th - September 27th

There are TWO very important things going on this week:

***Quiz #2 is available on Blackboard, as is the study guide that goes along with the quiz.***

***Your first assignment is due by Friday, September 26th @ 11:59pm.***

Please follow the submission directions for your paper. See the assignment sheet for instructions.

Also, as a reminder, I DO NOT accept late assignments. So, if your submission time stamp is AFTER 11:59pm, your assignment is considered late. Please SUBMIT YOUR PAPERS with ample time to deal with technological issues OR unforeseen circumstances should they arise. In short, plan ahead.

If you have questions about your paper/assignment, please contact me DURING MY OFFICE HOURS or we can make an appointment. I will not be online to answer last minute questions on Friday, so again, plan ahead. I look forward to reading your papers.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post Updates for Thursday

Cherry posted about Obama’s attractive qualities (not just physical), and how he builds trust through speaking.

Chokoyuko also commented on Obama’s speeches. She talks briefly about his content and attractiveness. Chokoyuko also gives an account of the Presidential election in Japan and how the speakers in Japan contrast those of the United States in style.

JP-Comm 105 talks about an influential speaker in a professional organization. In contrast, JP also comments on a speaker that did not exhibit qualities of a good speaker.

Licizpieciz gives an account of her pastor as an influential speaker. She talks about his ability to inspire people.

me010400 uses Michael Keppler as an example of a great speaker. She also talks about a music teacher she encountered a number of years back and how this person was an example of a bad speaker.

Molly McMuffin posted a great discussion on Authoritative Argument. She gives a great example of an Authoritative Argument by pointing out a real world example and breaking it down into Data, Claim, Warrant and Reservation. Good job Molly!

discusses Ronald Reagan as an example of a good speaker. She points out that he possessed power and attractiveness and was also an influential speaker. Good example Stephany!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday's Posts

Blondie has blogged twice so far. She has made some good points about Obama as a speaker. In the other blog, Blondie covers the audience speaker relationship.

Cherry brings to light a speaker she heard regarding the topic of Meth Addiction. On the flip side, Cherry makes some good points about a speaker who is a family member.

Chokoyuko commented that Steve Jobs gave a memorable commencement speech at Stanford. Opposite the iPod king, Chokoyuko mentions that the worst speaker she has observed is the President of Japan.

Daron Story gives a brief interpretation of why Obama is a decent speaker.

DJQ covers and idea posed in this weeks reading. DJQ relates the idea of uncertainty to dating.

Molly McMuffin gives a great account of when she heard Wayne Gretzky speak. Molly also gives an example of the worst speaker she has heard as being in a court room. In her second post, Molly talks about Obama as an attractive speaker. She also points out that Obama lacks credibility because of experience.

Sakishot mentions that there has not been a good speaker that has left a lasting impression. Sakishot also points out there was a bad example of a speech that lacked organization and preparation, which are necessary for a good speech.

Settle4what? talks about Obama lacking credibility at the start of the campaign process, but has attractive qualities.

Steph-annie brings up Oprah as a great speaker because of her ability to be relatable.

Stephany gives a great account of how Kathryn Khulman impacted her life through her delivery and passion while speaking.

Zamoradesign recounts how he was influenced by a speaker once to buy a book. Additionally, he talks about one of the worst speakers he has encountered because the speaker was lacking passion and did not inspire the audience.

I encourage you to check out these blogs!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week of September 14-20

Hello Class! Here is what's on the Participation Page on Blackboard:

Answer one in each of your three posts, at least 24 hours apart:

1). Have you ever been influenced by a speaker? Think of the best speaker you've ever heard. What was it about that speaker that made his or her communication memorable? Think of the worst speaker you've ever heard. What do you remember about his or her message?

2). Consider a well-known speaker, for example, the current President of the United States (or Presidential candidate). What is this speaker's strongest characteristics as a speaker? Is it credibility, attractiveness, power, or all three? In what ways could the speaker build ethos in these areas?

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading (Chapter 9) that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

***Remember to post 2 responses to your colleagues blogs at least 24 hours apart.

REMINDER: Your first assignment is due by Friday, September 26, at 11:59pm. So, please start working on the first assignment. Details can be found on Blackboard.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Starting Next Week......

Starting next week, I will be handling blog comments (from my end) a bit differently. I will be blogging on MY blog instead of commenting on your blogs individually. I really think that it is pertinent that you as students have interaction with one another and provoke thought in each other instead of interacting with me. Although I enjoy interacting with y'all, I get to interact with each of you during office hours and through email quite a bit. So, you will see me commenting on your blogs on my blog on both Tuesday's and Thursday's, so check my blog often. I will rarely comment on your blogs from this point forward, although I must admit, I do LOVE reading what y'all have to say.

As a reminder, your FIRST assignment is due on Friday, September 26th by 11:59pm. Please DO NOT wait until the last minute to turn in your papers. If there is an internet problem or submission problem and you end up turning your paper in late, you will receive a reduction in your grade no matter the excuse. I will be looking at the TIME down to the minute when papers are submitted. So please do me a favor, and yourself a favor, turn your papers in early.

REMINDER ABOUT 2nd ASSIGNMENT: Please read over the second assignment and start looking for Cultural Events to attend. Remember, the Cultural Event must be different from what you are currently a part of. I will be collecting events if you submit them to me, and putting together a list for the class.

Grades: I will be posting grades from last week either tonight or tomorrow. You should be able to access your quiz grades (which look GREAT from what I have seen so far) as well as your weekly grades from your discussions. If there are any questions about your grades, please email me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week of Septmber 7th - September 13th

The objectives on the Schedule read:

·Participate in week 3 discussion

·Quiz, Ch’s 1 & 2 (Blackboard)

Participation Questions for the week are as follows:

· Consider the social constructionist perspective. How do we “build worlds” through communication? Think of some ideas we talk about in our culture that may not exist in other cultures. How do these concepts contribute to our happiness or success (of the lack of these) in our culture?

· Consider the pragmatic perspective. Does it make sense to think of communication as patterned interaction? How is communication like a game? How is it different from a game?

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

· Remember to post 2 responses to your colleagues blogs at least 24 hours apart.

·Reminder: There is a quiz this week. See Schedule page and Quiz page.

Please be sure to follow the directions on the Participation Page on Blackboard. Your posts should be 24 hours apart.

As a reminder, your quiz is available NOW. Please be sure to take it before Saturday. See the Quiz Page on Blackboard for more information.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Quiz 1 Available

By now, the first quiz has been released. The quiz will be available from 12:01am on Sunday Sept. 7th, until 11:59pm on Saturday Sept. 13th. Please use the following brief instructions to find the quiz:

*Log onto Blackboard with your user name and password
*Click on Assessments on the left hand side
*Go to quiz #1 when you are ready to begin the quiz
*Start the quiz
*Click the answer to the first question and hit save and view next after answering the question
*You can go back to any question at any time by clicking on the numbers on the right hand side
*When you are done answering ALL questions, click on Finish

There are 13 questions on this first quiz, each question is worth 2 points for a total of 26 points. Once you begin the quiz you will have 26 minutes to complete it. Please see more details on the "Quiz" page on Blackboard.

Good luck on your first quiz!

Tomorrow at some point I will be posting what is required for the coming week.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Quiz #1

I have just posted a study guide for the first quiz. It is located on the Handouts Page.

As a reminder, the first quiz will be available starting Sunday morning at 12:01am on September 7th, and will be available all week, until Saturday night at 11:59pm on September 13th. I will more detailed directions on my blog tomorrow (Saturday). Happy blogging, and studying!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A few tips on Blogs

To make life a bit easier when trying to read other people’s blogs, there are a few options for you. Even though I am sure there are more options out there, and if you have other ideas, post them here. But, I will share with you a couple of options to help you keep track of the blogs of everyone in this class.

Option 1
Set up an RSS feed or Web Feed. If you have a gmail account (email through google), this is super simple to do. You go to Google Reader, enter your name and password, which is the same as your email address associated with gmail. It will ask you to start adding subscriptions. All you do is add the blog address, (ex. and all of the blogs will appear. The cool thing about this is, when a new blog is posted, you will automatically get updates. All you do is log back onto Google Reader, and all ‘subscriptions’ that you have entered, in this case it should be everyone’s blog in this class, will show up as ‘unread’ when you log on. RSS feeds are awesome because they are updated every hour to so. This means that Google Reader checks your subscriptions on a continual basis at a set interval and will show up in your Google Reader account automatically so you can see who has blogged. I am sure there are many other RSS feeds out there, but this is the one I use. It’s pretty simple. Plus, when you log onto Google Reader the first time, it has a video that explains everything.

Option 2
Add all class members blogs to your blog, like I have on mine. You can add blog addresses by simply clicking on the blog links from my blog, open another widow to access your blog, add the option of having a blog list on your own personal blog, then you have your own blog list.

Option 3
Bookmark on your “Bookmarks” in your web browser all other people’s blogs in this class.

Option 4
Bookmark my blog in your web browser and link from there. (This is a good option, although not as good as using Option 1, because you get to see updates on my blog).

Happy blogging!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hello Class! I have commented on most blogs that were posted on Tuesday. I must say, I am quite impressed!

As a reminder, please read over the assignments I have posted on Blackboard. For this class there are three major assignments in the class. The first one is a Speech Critique. The directions on the assignment are quite clear. The second assignment may take a bit of research on your part. You need to find a cultural event to attend, something of a culture that is not your own, and attend it prior to writing this paper. If you send me your cultural event, I will be sure to keep it in a list, and then update that list, and post it as it gets updated.

I will be back on tomorrow for online office hours from 10:30am to 11:30am. I have quite enjoyed chatting with some of you online, and hope to be able to chat with more people. I see some of you online during office hours, and if you are, drop a note. :) More than likely I am just working on something for the class.

Oh yeah, one other reminder, there is a quiz next week starting on Sunday. Please log onto Blackboard to take that quiz. It is an open book quiz.

See you all tomorrow!