Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday's Posts

Blondie has blogged twice so far. She has made some good points about Obama as a speaker. In the other blog, Blondie covers the audience speaker relationship.

Cherry brings to light a speaker she heard regarding the topic of Meth Addiction. On the flip side, Cherry makes some good points about a speaker who is a family member.

Chokoyuko commented that Steve Jobs gave a memorable commencement speech at Stanford. Opposite the iPod king, Chokoyuko mentions that the worst speaker she has observed is the President of Japan.

Daron Story gives a brief interpretation of why Obama is a decent speaker.

DJQ covers and idea posed in this weeks reading. DJQ relates the idea of uncertainty to dating.

Molly McMuffin gives a great account of when she heard Wayne Gretzky speak. Molly also gives an example of the worst speaker she has heard as being in a court room. In her second post, Molly talks about Obama as an attractive speaker. She also points out that Obama lacks credibility because of experience.

Sakishot mentions that there has not been a good speaker that has left a lasting impression. Sakishot also points out there was a bad example of a speech that lacked organization and preparation, which are necessary for a good speech.

Settle4what? talks about Obama lacking credibility at the start of the campaign process, but has attractive qualities.

Steph-annie brings up Oprah as a great speaker because of her ability to be relatable.

Stephany gives a great account of how Kathryn Khulman impacted her life through her delivery and passion while speaking.

Zamoradesign recounts how he was influenced by a speaker once to buy a book. Additionally, he talks about one of the worst speakers he has encountered because the speaker was lacking passion and did not inspire the audience.

I encourage you to check out these blogs!

1 comment:

Reese said...

I am experiencing a problem with my clock on my blogs. The time my posts says they are posted is incorrect. I just posted my first one for this week and I finished it at 6:52 pm but it said I posted at 4:58 pm! How could that be? I think that is why you took off two points of my blog participation last week because of the time thing but the times it said they were posted isn't right. Can you help me?