Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well, I'm glad the first assignment is over and done with, now we can all focus our attention on the Cultural Event Paper. As I mentioned in the last post, the due date for the assignment is October 31st, Halloween. And no, before you ask, I did not make it due on Halloween to torture the class. :) It was just a natural time in the schedule to turn in the assignment.

On a bit of a different note, I need some feedback from everyone in the class. So, please post your comment on this blog to the questions I pose here. If you don't feel comfortable doing it here for everyone to read, please email me privately, as I would like to hear from everyone if possible.

1). What did you think about the first assignment? I have given an assignment like this before quite a few times, but in a bit of a different format. What did you like about it? What didn't you like about it? What would you change if you could?

2). My posts about your posts.....are they helpful? I have be hesitating to comment on your blogs personally so that the class interacts with one another instead of with me. So, I have adopted writing little summaries on my blog about your posts. Is this helpful? How would you like to see me interact in the future? Keep doing what I have been doing? Or, change my interacting in some way? If you vote for change, how would you change it?

I would appreciate your comments as I am trying to figure out (without being in a face to face situation with you all) how you would like me to interact, and what you think about the assignments. Since you have received your grades for the assignment, you can be assured that this WILL NOT have any bearing on your grade now or in the future. This is just general feedback for me since I know every online instructor does things differently, and every class for that matter desires something different from their online instructors.

I hope you all found my comments on your papers helpful. I really enjoyed reading them, and I must admit, I can't wait until the next project is due. :)


Rina Sutaria said...

1) I thought the first assignment was interesting. The directions were very clear, and if I did have a question, you were quick to respond. I had never watched the speech I chose (Fisher) and could relate to her subject of choice (HIV) because a family member is suffering from it.

I was lucky that Fisher speech was one of the choices because I could not relate to any of the others. The only suggestion I have to make this assignment more exciting in the future is to maybe allow students to pick from a broader range of assignments so that everyone can find something they can truly identify with? Although I think MLK is a great leader, I started off this assignment trying to analyze his speech. But for some reason, I could not connect to it enough to write about it that day. That happened with all of the other ones, until I got to Fisher's speech.

2) I like your feedback in a summary form to our blogs. Maybe you could also ask a question to each person so they have to interact and respond? This might simulate a classroom setting where a teacher will ask students questions. Maybe you could do it so that you dont ask EVERY student a question each week, but half one week, half the next or something? That might make it more interactive and ensure that everyone reads your blog summaries.

:) Thanks for giving us a chance to provide feedback.

emadden said...

1. I liked the first assignment because it was meaningful and the directions were very straight forward. There wasn't anything I didn't like about it.

2). I think the comments made about our blogs is very helpful because I can get a quick overview of what everyone else is writing about. I would like to keep it the same.

me010400 said...

1. I enjoyed the first assignment because it was very straight forward and was not confusing what so ever. I liked the fact that you chose speeches that I personaly have never heard before. I not only completed the assignment but I also learned something new. I enjoyed this because Fishers life story was very intresting to me.

2. I enjoy the personal feedback that you give us because it for one shows that you are actually taking the time to read each of our discussion post, which is greatly appreciated. I also like how by posting it on you page it makes it a little easier to choose someone to respond to, which I know I should probably be reading everyones discussion post, but I just dont have the time. I really do appreciate this. THANKS :)

Persiangirl said...

1) I really enjoyed the first assignment. I felt as though the Fisher video was very interesting and one in which I am glad I wrote on and wish that I had seen previously. I also felt as though the directions were very straight forward and we knew what was expected of us in order to get a good grade.
2) I feel the comments on the blogs are useful because it helps me see what other students are writing and to see which students I feel I can relate to and post a blog to them. Unfortunately because of my late postings I don't receive feedback from you, but I don't feel as though it is hindering my performance.